Activity 4.2 Environmental Policy Frameworks
Policy Framework Table Environmental Conflict Resolution: Framing and Intractability- An Introduction (2003) Context in Environmental Conflict: Where You Stand Depends on Where You Sit. (2003) Financial Incentives for Promotion of Electric Vehicles in India- An Analysis Using the Environmental Policy Framework (2022) Identity - The terms that individuals use to describe themselves and who they are. This is based on social groups and what an individual sees themselves as. Legal- Made up of regulations, Laws, Court decisions, and any other part of the legal process. Regulations and Norms - Includes Bans, restrictions, and rules. These influence how society and businesses are allowed to make environmental decisions. Characterization - beliefs people make about how they see others as individuals. Political - The political environment and political process often have a large influence on laws and environmental policy. Voluntary negotiations - When a group or country voluntarily decid...