Activity 3.2.3 – Alternative Energy – Wind Energy


  1. Define alternative energy.

According to the text, alternative energy is an energy source that is used separately from a main source of energy. Alternative energy usually comes in the form of renewable energy since fossil fuels are more commonly utilized. 

  1. Describe arguments for alternative energy in general.

There are a number of reasons why alternative energy is considered to be more positive. Wind energy can be harvested at different scales to provide for different amount of energy production

than using nonrenewable sources. Since renewable energy is considered an unlimited source, its resources will be far less likely to deplete than fossil fuels. They are considered more sustainable and have fewer environmental consequences than fossil fuels as well. Renewable energy generally produces a smaller overall number of pollutants.

  1. Assess wind energy and explain its advantages and disadvantages. Include its limitations.

Wind energy is a form of renewable energy that has grown in popularity and has a large number of benefits. Wind energy has its own advantages and disadvantages, as well as its own limitations, but it is a very good possible energy source, especially in windy areas. When compared to fossil fuels, wind energy does not contribute to climate change and does not produce pollution. The text discusses how renewable energy sources can be much safer and more sustainable than using fossil fuels or other nonrenewable sources. ”Enhanced use of renewable energy sources can also eliminate problems such as oil spills or pipeline leaks. Most renewable energy sources do not pollute the air with greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollutants associated with fossil fuels. This is especially important in combating climate change and improving human health.” (Mutiti, 2018.) Along with being a very clean energy source, wind energy has economic benefits, such as allowing farmers and ranchers to profit. Since they have many positive effects, they are becoming more common in a number of countries around the world. It can also use land for useful purposes such as wind farms instead of mountaintop coal mining. Wind energy can be used to meet many smaller-scale energy needs, while structures such as wind farms can allow more energy to be generated. Despite all of the benefits that come from wind energy, a few disadvantages cause it to be mainly utilized as a secondary power source. One such disadvantage is the fact that for wind energy to be efficient, there has to be a steady source of wind. As a result, wind energy can only be collected from a specific set of regions, preventing things such as turbines from being used in places that are less windy due to the less reliable creation of wind that can be converted into energy. There are some risks to using wind turbines such as the risk of fires, but this is a minor disadvantage. Additionally, wind energy cannot always reliably produce a steady stream of energy due to the fact that it cannot function as well when the wind is low. One of the largest limitations of wind energy is the fact that since wind energy cannot be collected or stored, it cannot produce enough electricity to meet energy demands in a location or time where wind is less likely to blow consistently.


Mutiti, S., Mutiti, C., Manoylov, K., VandeVoort, A., & Bennett, D. (2018). Introduction to Environmental Science (3rd ed.). Biological Science Open Textbooks. University System of Georgia.
