Activity 2.3.2- Ranches as Grassland Conservation
Six-Point Critical Analysis Worksheet
1. Exploratory
The audio in the podcast discusses grazing practices and the results they have on grassland conservation through the ecological management of farmland. One positive aspect of grazing is that it supports biodiversity and allows a greater variety of plants to grow. This ties in with a concept from earlier readings about how factors in the environment, like herds of animals grazing, can provide a chance for a lot of different kinds of life to thrive. “Some environmental influences are resources that organisms can exploit as opportunities, which allows them to gain the necessities of life and livelihood. Other environmental influences are stressors, or constraints on productivity and reproductive success.” (Freedman, 2018.) Allowing herds to graze on land for extended periods of time without allowing the land to recover can damage the grass on it and lower the land's overall quality.
2. Diagnostic
The biggest reason for the support of this grazing practice by some farming facilities is that it has many benefits, both ecologically and economically, for the farmers who own the land that is grazed. Another reason that other farmers do not transfer to this type of system is because some individuals are unable to properly maintain holistic grazing. This is because it takes a lot of planning and observation to find a method that works for their land. Furthermore, depending on the area and type of land, there are many complex aspects to how to use this grazing strategy efficiently.
3. Cause and Effect
In parts of the grasslands, grasses evolved to be grazed and rely on herbivores to complete the life cycle through the decomposition of the grass after it is eaten. Additionally, herbivores cycle carbon after consuming the grass in an area. Herbivores that eat grass usually move away after a while, giving the land time to recover and the resources to reform.
4. Priority
This topic is important because grasslands comprise 40% of the earth’s land surface, making them one of the most common types of environments. Despite this, grasslands are globally the most under conserved environments. This topic provides alternatives for the conservation and improvements to the quality of this common land type, which can have good consequences.
5. Application
This topic applies to the real world because grasslands support 2 billion people and therefore sustain a large amount of life. Also, the quality of the land can have positive economic effects, which could potentially serve as an incentive to conserve it further for a larger number of people.
6. Critical
The podcast challenged my previous assumptions that animals grazing on land were inherently harmful to both it and the grass. On the contrary, it is actually beneficial for grasslands to have herbivores that graze on them, as long as the land can have time to recover through practices that encourage herds to be moved around more.
Freedman. (2018, August 27). Environmental Science Subtitle: A Canadian Perspective (6th ed.). Dalhousie University Libraries.
Roberson, E. (Host). (2016, May 26). Conserving and restoring the world’s grasslands [Audio podcast episode]. In Mountain & Prairie Podcast.
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